Cancellation Policy
Trips cancelled with less than 24 hour's notice are subject to full charge.
​This includes "head count change". If you book for 5 people, and show up with 4, you will be charged for the 5th seat.
If you show up with more than you reserved for, we may not have room.
We have a limited number of trips per day. It's not our business plan to charge people for a trip they didn't take, but we turn people away once you reserve your seats.
There is never a charge to cancel during inclement weather.
Inclement Weather
Not all weather is great for a boat ride, Sometimes we may need to modify our route, or cancel a trip all together if the conditions aren't fit.
Those conditions include: High winds, chance of thunderstorms, rain, heavy fog, extreme cold, extreme tide (high or low).
We will attempt to notify you by text message if we think weather may be a concern.
Sometimes these conditions maybe be minor and still cruise-able, but if they double up (ie. rain and extreme cold), we may opt to cancel for safety and comfort. When a rapid weather change is expected, we may cancel a trip when it’s nice, because a sudden weather change is expected during our trip.
We do not typically make our final decision to cancel a trip until the very last minute. If we think a trip may be modified or canceled, we will attempt to contact and warn our guests ahead of time when possible. YOU are welcome to cancel your trip at any time if we notify you of potential inclement weather, at no charge.
There is NO CHARGE if we cancel a trip and NO CHARGE if you opt to cancel a trip due to inclement weather.
Do be aware that there is NO SHELTER on the boat; we are totally exposed to the elements. So if it rains, you will get wet. If the wind is high, you will get wet (splash and spray). If it is cold, it will only feel colder with the movement of the boat (always feels 15 to 20 degrees colder on the boat). The only weather we can beat is the heat. Our canopies provide some shade, and the movement of the boat keeps us cool. A boat ride is a great way to keep cool on a hot day.
Be aware that we will sometimes use our larger boat to make a trip in weather that might be too rough for our small boats. We may also need to leave from a different, more sheltered location and modify our route. This is all done in an effort to avoid canceling a trip.
With respect to major storms (hurricanes, nor’easters, tropical storms), we will pull our boats out of the water if the winds are expected to be 50 mph or greater. This sometimes means we need the last day of good weather, before a storm to secure our equipment. We also need the first day of good weather, after a storm to get all of our equipment reset.
Animals on-board Policy
In Capt. Dan's 18 years of charter boat experience, he has discovered that having animals on-board may require "we fundamentally alter the nature of our service". It is for that reason, we now only allow animals on-board during private tours. This includes "service animals".
There is a local animal sitting service on the island "Anna’s Pet Sitting" (757) 894-5114, you can also find her on Face Book.